
You look at a map to find out where you are. A map can tell you what city you are in and what street you are on. But do you know where you are in the universe? For hundreds of years, astronomers—scientists who study things in space—have been trying to figure out where our solar system is in the universe. They have learned that our Sun is part of a huge group of stars called a galaxy. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. The Milky Way is just one of billions of galaxies.


A galaxy is made up of millions or billions of stars. Big clouds of gas and dust swirl in space between the stars.

Astronomers believe that most galaxies have an enormous black hole in their centers. A black hole is an object with lots of matter packed into it. A black hole has a powerful pull of gravity. Gravity is the force that holds you to the ground and pulls a ball back down after you throw it up in the air. The gravity of a black hole is so strong that it sucks in and crushes anything that comes near. Not even light can escape from a black hole.


Galaxies come in different shapes. Some galaxies look like giant whirlpools or pinwheels. They have long arms made of gas and dust clouds and stars. These are called spiral galaxies because the arms spiral into the center. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.

The stars and clouds of gas and dust in a spiral galaxy move slowly in a circle. They orbit, or go around, the center of the galaxy. New stars form in the clouds of a spiral galaxy.

Some galaxies are oval or round in shape. These are called elliptical galaxies. Elliptical galaxies tend to have older stars. Few new stars form in elliptical galaxies.

Some galaxies do not have any particular shape. These are called ir

regular galaxies.

When galaxies come close to each other, their shapes can change. Sometimes galaxies collide with one another. Irregular galaxies may be galaxies whose original shapes were distorted by collisions.


Galaxies give off different kinds of light. Astronomers study the light to learn about the galaxies.

Galaxies give off rays of light our eyes can see. They also give off radio waves. Galaxies give off heat, or infrared rays, too. They also give off X rays and gamma rays. Even though our eyes can’t see them, radio waves, infrared rays, X rays, and gamma rays are all types of light. Astronomers have instruments that can detect each of these types. The different types of light provide clues about what galaxies are made of and how they form.

Astronomers figure out how far away a galaxy is by studying the light

that comes from it. They have found galaxies that are very far out in the universe. The Hubble Space Telescope took pictures of galaxies that are 13 billion light-years away from Earth. A light-year is how far light travels in one year. Light travels fast—about 6 trillion miles (about 10 trillion kilometers) a year. Six trillion is a 6 with twelve zeroes after it: 6,000,000,000,000! These most distant galaxies are so far away that it took their light 13 billion years to reach Earth.

Astronomers looking through powerful telescopes have also found that galaxies clump together. They form big groups called clusters. The clusters also tend to be clumped. They form even bigger groups called superclusters. Our Milky Way is part of a cluster of about 30 galaxies called the Local Group. The Local Group is part of a supercluster called the Local Supercluster. Long strands of superclusters wind through the universe. These strands look something like a jumbled spiderweb, with galaxies strung along the threads and vast voids of empty space between the threads.

Galaxy M100

The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of galaxy M100. It has a spiral shape like our own Milky Way Galaxy.

Milky Way Galaxy

Our solar system, which includes the Sun, Earth, and other planets, is just a tiny part of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way contains about 400 billion stars!

Distant Galaxies

There are billions of galaxies in the universe. Each one is made up of millions or billions of stars. A few of these galaxies appear in this photo.

Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy, a spiral galaxy similar to our own Milky Way Galaxy, is the farthest object from Earth that
you can see without a telescope

Galaxies M86 and M84
Galaxies M86, center, and M84, right, are elliptical galaxies. Such galaxies are round in shape and are usually made up of older stars

Hubble Space Telescope

Many galaxies have been discovered and photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Because the telescope orbits Earth, it can see far into the universe without any interference from Earth’s atmosphere.

The universe contains everything that exists: Earth, the Sun, the stars, galaxies (collections of billions of stars), and everything else in space. People have wondered how the universe got started for thousands of years. Most scientists now think they have the answer. They think the universe began about 14 billion years ago with a kind of big explosion. They call the explosion the big bang.


No one knows what caused the big bang, but scientists think they know what happened all the way back to the first seconds after the big bang.

The brand new universe was very hot and very small. It blew outwards very fast. In the first three minutes, matter started to form. Hundreds of years later, the universe looked like a big ball of fire.

You can picture the universe as something like a black balloon with white dots painted on it. The black represents space and the white dots are galaxies. Blowing air into the balloon makes it bigger. The spaces between each dot get farther apart as the balloon expands.

As it got bigger, the universe got cooler. Hydrogen gas formed. The gas broke into clumps. The clumps came together to make galaxies and stars. Other kinds of matter formed in the stars. Finally, planets like Earth formed around some stars.


The expansion of the universe is evidence for the big bang. American scientist Edwin Hubble studied light coming from galaxies far out in the universe. In 1929, he found that the galaxies were speeding away from Earth and from each other in all directions. Scientists tracked the paths of the galaxies back to their starting place. They saw that all the galaxies must have started from the same place. Packing all that matter into a small area would make a very dense, searing hot ball—the big bang.

Scientists use math to describe how the universe behaves. In the early 1900s, German American scientist Albert Einstein came up with equations that predict an expanding universe. These equations have correctly predicted the motions

of stars, planets, and light.

More proof came in the 1990s from a spacecraft called the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE). COBE saw rays coming from far off in the universe. The rays are left over from the early days of the universe. They could only have been created in a much smaller and hotter universe long ago.


Scientists are not sure what will happen to the universe. They currently think it will keep expanding forever. They even think the expansion is speeding up. But scientists are still studying this question.

Signs of the Big Bang

This picture shows background radiation, which scientists believe is left over from the big bang at the beginning of the universe. A spacecraft called the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) produced this image by measuring radiation from outer space

Did you ever look at the Moon and think you could see a face? Sometimes dark spots on the Moon look like eyes, a nose, and a mouth. People used to talk about “the man in the Moon.” They would joke about the Moon being made of cheese with holes in it.

The Moon is the second brightest thing in our sky, after the Sun. The Moon doesn’t make its own light. Light rays from the Sun bounce off it and make it shine. The Moon is closer to Earth than any other body in our solar system.


In the 1600s, the famous Italian scientist Galileo was the first person to look at the Moon through a telescope. He saw dark spots that he thought were oceans. He called them maria, the Latin word for “seas.” Galileo thought the light areas were large landmasses called continents.

Today, we know a lot more about the Moon. We know that nothing lives on the Moon, and there are no oceans. The maria are dry, flat plains covered with rocks. The Moon is the only place in space that human beings have visited.


The first astronauts landed on the Moon in 1969. They traveled in a United States spacecraft named Apollo 11. The astronauts set up experiments on the Moon and brought some moon rocks back to Earth. Later, five more Apollo missions explored different parts of the Moon. The astronauts on these missions brought back more rocks and soil.

Scientists learned many things about the Moon from the Apollo space missions. They also learned from other spacecraft that orbited (went around) the Moon. Some of these spacecraft sent robot landers down to the surface of the Moon.


The dry, gray Moon might seem like a boring place now. But you should have seen it several billion years ago.

Many times over the past two or three billion years, chunks of rock and ice have come whizzing toward the Moon. The space rocks and ice are asteroids and comets. They slam into the Moon’s surface. The biggest ones came just after Earth and the other planets were formed. When they hit the Moon, these large objects threw up tons of rock and dust. There are billions of big and small pits on the Moon made by the space rocks. These pits are called craters.


If you went to the Moon, you’d see the dark-colored maria. Scientists think the dark gray rock is lava (melted rock). They believe that billions of years ago, red-hot rock gushed up from volcanoes on the Moon. The lava flowed over the Moon’s surface. It filled in low places, including some of the big craters. Then the lava cooled to make the Moon’s gray rocks.

The lava also left round hills on the Moon called domes and carved grooves called rilles.


There are rough and mountainous places all over the Moon. Scientists call these places highlands.

There are highlands on the far side of the Moon but almost no maria. Only one side of the Moon faces Earth, so you can never see the far side of the Moon. Scientists learned what the far side looks like from pictures taken by orbiting spacecraft.


The astronauts who walked on the Moon had to wear big space suits. The space suits provided air for the astronauts to breathe, because there is no air on the Moon. The suits also kept the astronauts cool during hot Moon days and warm during cold Moon nights.

With no atmosphere to protect it, Moon temperatures can be very high and very low. It can be 261° Fahrenheit (127° Celsius) at noon during a Moon day—hotter than boiling water! It can be as cold as -279° Fahrenheit (-173° Celsius) on a Moon night. Days and nights on the Moon each last about two weeks.

Days and nights are long because the Moon turns very slowly. It takes the Moon about 27 days to make one turn. Earth turns once every 24 hours.


There is no water on the Moon, but scientists think that there may be ice. Two spacecraft in the 1990s saw signs of the ice. If there is ice on the Moon, it could help future explorers stay there longer.

The signs of ice were found in deep craters at the north and south poles of the Moon. Because these craters are always in shadow, it stays very cold there—about -364° Fahrenheit (-220° Celsius).


The Moon always seems to change shape. Sometimes it looks like a round ball in the sky. Sometimes it is a thin sliver. But the Moon does not really change shape. What happens to it?

The Moon reflects light from the Sun. How you see the reflected sunlight depends on where the Moon is. The Moon orbits (goes around) Earth. Sometimes it is between the Sun and Earth, and you can’t see any reflected sunlight. This is called the new moon.

Sometimes Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. You can see all of the reflected sunlight. The Moon looks round. This is called a full moon.

The rest of the time, you see only part of the reflected sunlight from the Moon. The reflected sunlight looks like slivers of Moon. It takes about 27 da

ys to go from a new moon to a full moon and back to a new moon again.


No one knows for sure how the Moon was formed. By testing moon rocks, scientists have learned that the Moon is about 4.6 billion years old. This is the same age as the solar system.

Scientists think that at that time something as big as a planet crashed into Earth. The collision blasted huge pieces of Earth into space. Some of the pieces came together to make the Moon.

Scientists continue to study moon rocks for clues. There is still much to learn about the Moon.


Asteroids are rocks in space that never quite made it as planets. Astronomers think that our solar system began as a cloud of gas and dust. Gravity pulled parts of the cloud together to make the Sun

and the nine planets. Astronomers think that the asteroids formed in that cloud but never grew large enough to be planets.


There are thousands of asteroids, and they come in all sizes. The biggest asteroid ever found is called Ceres. Ceres is more than 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) wide. Astronomers have found about 200 asteroids that are more than 60 miles (100 kilometers) across. All the other asteroids are much smaller. Some are only a few feet wide.

Astronomers wonder if once there were just a few big asteroids. The big asteroids may have crashed into each other. The crashes would have broken them into smaller pieces, making all the asteroids we see today.

Some asteroids are round. Some asteroids are long and bumpy. Some asteroids even have tiny moons going around them.


Asteroids go around, or orbit, the Sun just like planets. Most asteroids orbit in the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt is farther out from the Sun than Earth’s orbit. It lies between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter.

Sometimes asteroids change orbits and move out of the asteroid belt. These asteroids cross the orbits of planets as the planets go around the Sun. A few cross Earth’s orbit.


Asteroids are normally too small and far away to see with your eyes. Astronomers study asteroids with telescopes. They have also sent spacecraft for close-up looks at several asteroids. A spacecraft named Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Shoemaker actually landed on an asteroid in 2001.

Astronomers have found that most asteroids are made mainly of stone. Some asteroids are made mostly of metals. Astronomers think that asteroids made of metal must have melted at some time in the past. The liquid metal clumped together at the center of the asteroid. Most of the rocky part later broke off from the asteroid, leaving the metal behind. What melted these metal asteroids is still a mystery.


Astronomers think that several thousand asteroids have orbits that might one day make them strike Earth. Asteroids have certainly hit Earth in the past. People have found thousands of meteorites (stones from space) that have crashed into Earth. Most meteorites are pieces of asteroids. There is a giant crater (hole in the ground) in Arizona that is more than half a mile (about a kilometer) wide! The crater was formed when a meteor crashed into Earth.

An asteroid crashing into Earth may have killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Scientists have found a big meteorite crater around Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. They think the asteroid that created this crater may have killed the dinosaurs. After the asteroid crashed, a huge cloud of dust would have darkened Earth. It could have become very cold on Earth, and plants that dinosaurs ate might have died. As the plant-eating dinosaurs died from lack of food, meat-eating dinosaurs would have run out of food and died as well.

Scientists are setting up a system to warn us of asteroids coming toward Earth. If they find one they might be able to blow up the asteroid. They might be able to attach a rocket to the asteroid and push it just enough to miss Earth.

Asteroid Close-Up

Most asteroids are far away from Earth. But spacecraft have taken close-up pictures of asteroids, including the asteroid Eros, shown here. In 2001, a spacecraft actually landed on Eros!

Asteroid Impacts
Asteroids and comets sometimes hit Earth. In 1908, an asteroid or comet flattened trees, left, over more than 400 square miles (1,000 square kilometers) in Russia. About 50,000 years ago, an asteroid carved out a huge crater, right, in what is now Arizona.

Asteroid Hitting Earth
If a large asteroid hit Earth, as shown in this artist’s sketch, the results could be disastrous. Many scientists believe that such an impact occurred about 65 million years ago, changing the Earth’s climate enough to kill off the dinosaurs.

New Trick-1
Use opera mini 4.2. Balance should below than 0.20 rupee. The trick: First download opera mini from and open it.Go to any website (using airtel live settings),you will get a error message(if you get *content blocked by operator*,disconnect then try again,you should get *failed to connect to internet*error message).Then minimize the opera mini and open the default browser,go to any website(using mobile office settings),nothing will be loaded.Dont worry,now open the opera mini browser and goto any website(access all sites including https)for full free(high speed).you can also download all files(size less than 2 mb) at speed of 20 kbps.
New Trick-2
1.Open ucweb6.7 or ucweb6.3 and enter adres and select airtel live as acess point. nothing wil be loaded
2.Dont worry minimixe it n open ur default browser. In go to adres enter and conect it using mobile office. N minimixe it.[NOTE:dont disconect it]
3.Now open uc6.7 which u minimixed now enter any adres u wil able 2 browse and download.
1)Dont disconect any Network connection
2)The balance showld be minimum 0.20Rs
3)It is mainly for nokia phone which has minimizing option

Mobile phone secrets, codes and technical information for Motorola Mobile Phone.
Code *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)
[][][] 119 [] 1 [] Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
[][][] 119 [] 0 [] Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)

*#06# Shows IMEI number
*#9999# Show software version
*#0001# Display RS232 serial communication parameter setup
*#8999*228# Display battery capacity and temperature / voltage
*#8999*523# Adjust display contrast
*#8999*636# Display storage capacity
*#8999*778# Display SIM card information
*#8999*324# The network checkout (engineering model)
*#8999*289# Ringtone test
*#8999*364# Display Watchdog state
*#8999*427# WATCHDOG signal route setup
*#8999*842# Vibrate test
*#8999*782# Show date and alarm clock
*#8999*246# Show the memory capacity
*#8999*786# The display during warning
*#8999*837# Samsung hardware version
*#8999*377# Software error LOG (wrong display of EEPROM)
*#8999*638# Show network information
*#8999*9266# Display received channel number and received intensity

Mobile phone secrets, codes and technical information for Ericsson Mobile Phone.
Code *#06# -For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)
*#0000# -Reset language back to English
> * < < * < * -Service Menu - tells you the phone's software version (good for checking your phone's "age" before buying it) Press "Yes" repeatedly to see all the software data & press ">" to see all the texts available in your phone
< * * < -SIM lock - Do not lock your phone if you don't know the unlock code.
This is another good check before you buy any phone, especially second hand ones.
If phone is SIM locked, you may not be able to switch to other GSM operators Shortcuts Save a Missed Call into your phone directory -Scroll to "Missed Call", press "Yes" to display the required number. Press any number (i.e. 0 to 9), then press "clear" once to clear that number, then press & hold "<" until you see "Store".

Mobile phone secrets, codes and technical information for Siemens Mobile Phone.
All Siemens Phones: Service Provider Unlock:
*#0003*(secret code 8 digits)# Siemens S25/C25
Show IMEI code: * # 06 # Resets language to automatic selection
* # 0000 # then Green button Pin Out Data Cable schematics Phone's connector pin-out
1- GND 2- SB 3- POWER 4- NC 5- TX 6- RX 7- CLOCK 8- DATA 9- GND MIC 10- HF MIC 11- AUDIO 12- GND AUDIO Siemens S1/S3/S3
To view the software date and else with S3 com, S4, S4Power, Sony cmdx 1000e press with SIM removed *#06# and left softkey.
To view some other stuff with S4Power, Sony cmdx 1000e press with SIM removed *#06# and left softkey twice.
To view the software date with S3 com, S4, S4Power, Sony cmdx 1000e press with SIM installed menu 98 and left softkey twice.

Mobile phone secrets, codes and technical information for Nokia Mobile Phone.
Code *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)
*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec
*#0000# Displays your phones software version
1st Line : Software Version
2nd Line : Software Release Date
3rd Line : Compression Type
*#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work
*#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)
#pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)


